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In Internal Conflict, players take turns playing cards until a win condition is met. Each turn is divided into three phases - Beginning, Main, and End.
Each turn is timed and lasts for 75 seconds, as indicated by the turn timer on the Battleground. However, players can earn "time out counters" by ending their turn within 30 seconds for three consecutive turns. Once a player receives a "time out counter", it will be automatically used if they exceed the 75-second limit for a turn. Each "time out counter" will extend the current turn for an additional 30 seconds. Multiple counters can be used in a turn until they are all used up.
If a player doesn't respond after timing out for three consecutive rounds, they automatically lose the game. If both players fail to respond for three consecutive rounds, the game ends in a draw.
At the start of the game, each player will automatically draw 5 cards from their deck. If a player has cards in their starting hand that they don't want to keep, they may perform a Mulligan. This allows them to shuffle those cards back into their deck and draw the same number of cards again. A player may perform up to 5 Mulligans.
During each of their turns, both SUPACell and Virus players go through three phases: Beginning, Main, and End. All actions in the Beginning and End Phases are automatically executed, while the Main Phase requires the player to manually perform their actions in any order they choose.
Beginning Phase:
Unexhaust: All your units will be automatically unexhausted, which will make them ready and available to perform actions this turn. When a unit is played, they are played as exhausted and must wait until the beginning of your next turn in order to be unexhausted.
Replenish: All Affinity Points you've added throughout the game are restored to their maximum capacity, even those spent in the previous turn. For example, if you've added 5 GR Affinity Points during the game and used 3 of them in the previous turn, you'll replenish back to the maximum value of 5 GR Affinity Points.
Similarly, if you've added 2 WH Affinity Points and 4 PR Affinity Points, you'll replenish to the maximum values of 2 WH and 4 PR. Remember that you cannot exceed your maximum Affinity Point capacity.
Trigger Abilities: Any abilities that trigger at the beginning of your turn will take effect now.
Draw: Players will automatically draw 1 card from the top of their decks. If a player were to draw a card when their deck is empty, that player will lose 25 HEALTH (for virus) or will be dealt 25 Virulent Damage (for SUPACell) for each card that they draw thereafter.
Check Victory Condition: If a player begins the turn with 12 units on the Battleground, that player will automatically win the game.
Main Phase:
Add Affinity Point: The current player may choose to add 1 Affinity Point of any Type to increase the maximum capacity of the Affinity Point of that Type. If the player already has 5 or more Affinity Points in any one Type, they can choose to draw a card instead of adding an Affinity Point. This is in addition to the mandatory draw that a player would perform during the beginning phase.
Play: Play cards from your hand by spending the required Affinity Points. To play a card, a player must spend the required Affinity Points. A glowing card in a player's hand indicates that they have enough Affinity Points to play it. Units are played in the exhausted state and can only be unexhausted at the beginning of the player's next turn.
Action: Unexhausted units may attack and/or activate activated abilities. Virus units may also perform a move action and/or deal Virulent Damage. Below is the list of actions that a unit can perform:
In this example, this Virus unit can move up to 2 spaces in any direction.
Activate Activated Abilities: Players have the option to manually activate activated abilities of their units. These abilities can be offensive, defensive, or supportive in nature, and can have various effects on the game. For more information about the different types of unit abilities, please refer to the detailed section below.
In this example, a player may activate the ability to draw a card, then discard two cards.
End Phase:
Trigger Abilities: Any abilities that trigger at the end of your turn will take effect now.
Discard: At the end of your turn, you must discard down to your maximum hand size, which is 10 cards by default. If you have more than 10 cards in your hand, you must choose and discard the excess cards. All discarded cards are placed in the Discard Pile.
Attack: A SUPACell unit can attack another unit within its range, which is measured in spaces on the Battleground and is limited by its stat. Meanwhile, A Virus unit can only attack a unit it is next to. The attack action causes the unit to be exhausted. The amount of damage the attack does to another unit is based on the unit's stat. Damage dealt to a unit will reduce the unit’s current . When a unit’s falls to 0 or less, that unit is destroyed and moved to the Discard Pile.
In this example, this SUPACell unit can attack other opposing units within 2 spaces and reduce the other unit's by 20.
In this example, this Virus unit can attack an opposing unit it is next to and reduce the other unit's by 20.
Move: Virus units can move up to the number of spaces specified under their stat. While moving a unit can only be done once per unit, per turn, this action does not cause the unit to be exhausted. However, SUPACell units cannot move and hence do not have the stat.
Virulent damage: Virus units in range of the SUPACell Organism [two columns closest to it highlighted in Green and Yellow] can deal Virulent damage to the SUPACell Organism, reducing its HEALTH. Virus units in the Green column deal half the Virulent damage (rounded down), based on their stat, while Virus units in the Yellow column deal full Virulent damage, based on their stat. The Virulent damage action causes the unit to be exhausted.
In this example, if this unit was in the Green column, the Virulent damage dealt to the SUPACell Organism would be 10, which is half of its stat. If this unit was in the Yellow column, the Virulent damage dealt to the SUPACell Organism would be 20, which is its full .
Activate SUPA Power: To activate the SUPA Organism's SUPA Power, the player must pay a cost of 2 Affinity Points: 1 Affinity Point of the corresponding Type of the power and 1 Affinity Point of any Type. For example, to activate a SUPA Power, the player must pay 1 Affinity Point and 1 Affinity Point of any Type. Each subsequent activation of the SUPA Power after the first requires an additional payment of 1 Affinity Point of any Type. This additional cost is cumulative, meaning that the second activation will cost a total of 3 Affinity Points, the third costs 4 Affinity Points, and so on.
Your Deck is where your cards are drawn from. Whenever you were to draw one or more cards, you would draw these cards from the top of your deck.
Your Discard Pile is where destroyed units, discarded cards and used shot cards go to. Your Purge Pile is where purged cards go to. Purged cards are cards that are removed from the game. Don’t worry, you’ll get them back after the match has been concluded.
Your hand is where all playable cards are. Whenever you were to draw one or more cards, these cards are added to your hand. There is a hand size limit of 10 cards.
This counter will display the total amount of Affinity Points you have of each type. The first value displays the currently available Affinity Points and the second value displays the maximum amount of Affinity Points that you currently have.
Click this button to end your turn when you’re done with your turn!
This is exactly like your Hand, Affinity Points, Deck and Discard / Purge Pile except that they belong to your opponent.
Just your regular settings button to customise your preference of Internal Conflict.
Represents the amount of time left before the turn ends. The turn timer will change from blue to orange when the turn is ending.
Represents the artwork of the SUPA Organism you have selected for your deck. Each SUPA Organism artwork is unique!
Represents the SUPA Organism’s ability. Hovering over the ability icon will display the effect of the ability. You may click on your own SUPA Organism’s ability to activate it.
For every 3 consecutive turns that you end your turn within 30 seconds, you will be given a time out counter. The time counter is automatically used to extend your turn if you are unable to complete it within the allocated time.
Displays the current number of units that each side has on the battleground. A player that begins their turn with 12 units will automatically win the game!
Represents the HEALTH of each individual SUPA Organism. If the HEALTH of a SUPA Organism falls to 0, the opposing player automatically wins the game!
Represents the internal clock for the Virus player to eliminate the SUPACell player. A Virus player will lose 25 HEALTH every 3 minutes. This timer will freeze whenever it’s the SUPACell player’s turn.
Your Deck
Your Discard / Purge Pile
Your Hand
Your Affinity Points
End Turn Button
Your opponent’s Hand, Affinity Points, Deck, Discard / Purge Pile
Turn Timer
SUPACell SUPA Organism / Virus SUPA Organism
SUPA Power
Time Out Counter
Unit Counter
SUPA Organism’s Health
Virus Health Counter